Windows defender update error
Windows defender update error

If you want to solve the issue, disable or uninstall the third-party antivirus you are using on your machine. If you are using a third-party Antivirus then it has the chance to interfering with the Windows Defender to load and startup and conflicts with the performance.

windows defender update error windows defender update error

This is one of the main reason for Windows defender won’t start error in Windows. If the issue is not fixed, then proceed to the next step. After downloading and installing the update, check the issue is fixed or not. These are the steps to follow for updating Windows on your computer. If it does not notify you, then follow the below steps. Unlike the previous versions of the OS, Windows 10 notifies users as soon as an update is available. If you are facing Windows Defender won’t start error in Windows, try to update your computer with the latest version. Microsoft regularly pushes the latest updates to the compatible models.

windows defender update error

Keeping up your device update will solve all kinds of errors on a computer. Usually, a technical glitch will occur if the software is outdated.

Windows defender update error